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Posted Wed, 07 Jun 2017 14:24:19 GMT by Nick_Cormier
Hello, I'm having some trouble with a model, I get the error "System Error: Error while executing simulation experiment, reading input file, or evaluating upper and lower boundaries".

This is a bit general, is there .txt file somewhere in the West folder that would allow me to trace the error to a specific block or parameter that isn't working properly? The error does appear while the control center says "building executable model", does this help narrow down the error?

I've also encountered a situation where I specify a certain flowrate in my influent .txt file, and this correct rate is visible in the "Generate and Review" section of the Influent block, but the first block that receives this influent shows a much smaller flowrate coming from the influent. Is this related to the above error?

Thanks again for the help
Posted Wed, 07 Jun 2017 14:28:31 GMT by Nick_Cormier
edit to add:

If I load up one of the prebuilt models and load my influent file, everything seems to work correctly, which would indicate that the error is in the assembly of my model, correct?
Posted Wed, 07 Jun 2017 15:10:41 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
Yes. There's an extensive logbook that you can find in the [b]Logging Pane[/b]. If this should not be immediately visible, it may be that you have closed it: you can reopen it via the View menu / System / Logging.

Hint: your error may be related to a numerical issue with the integrator, e.g. overflow.
Anyway, you should find more information in the Logging.

Regarding the discrepancy between what you see in the Review page and what you actually get in a Block (or are you referring to a Plot window perhaps? this may be totally different), yes it may be related to the previous error; or not ... difficult to say.

I suggest you first try and work out the error. If you still have a much lower flow, please provide more info regarding e.g. your actually settings and parameter values.
Posted Wed, 07 Jun 2017 15:29:36 GMT by Nick_Cormier
Very good, thanks again.
I tried rebuilding my model block by block and found that my SBR is what is causing issues, so I think I need to look closer at the parameters I am using!

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