I would like to ask which exact modification "Mod" means over ASM2d.
In the help file, it basically says [i][b]"Lysis of -whatever- depends on the electron acceptor"[/b][/i], but it gives no further insight.
I've also noticed there are three added reduction parameters over pure ASM2d (n_NO_AUT_d, n_NO_Het_d and n_NO_P_d). Therefore my either wild or educated guess is that WEST is basically changing the rate for the lysis/decay reactions, (as example in heterotrophs), from just b_H · X_H to b_H · X_H · ( S_O/(K_O + S_O) + n_NO_Het_d · K_O/(K_O+S_O) ). I mean, when there's no free oxygen, (anoxic [i][b]and also anaerobic[/b][/i] tanks), the decay rate would be 50% of the "normal" aerobic one, (because n_NO_Het_d = 0.5).
Am I right? Is this the change made by ASM2d[b]Mod[/b] over ASM2d? Is it another one?