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Posted Fri, 09 Feb 2018 15:50:32 GMT by João Vieira

I want to calibrate my case study in Steady State conditions.

Thus, I would like to compare the last value from each simulation with my "observed value"?

Could you please help because I'm having problemas with the format of my observed values file.

In the steady state simulation, I set Stop at 50 days,

I wrote my observed value file like this:

#.t .out_1.COD .out_1.TSS
#d g/m3                 g/m3
50 76,635       39,947

but when I did Parameter estimation I got this error:

System error: Incorrect time in buffer file, line 4: 0, C:\.......

Could you help me please?
Kind regards,
Joao Vieira
Posted Fri, 09 Feb 2018 21:34:25 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
The error message suggests that there's an error on line 4 - but I only see 3 lines in your .txt file.
Are you sure it's referring to that file - and not another one?
Could you rather attach a snapshot of the logging? or even export the logging to .txt or .xls and post it here?
Posted Mon, 12 Feb 2018 11:43:45 GMT by João Vieira

I post here the logging screen and the system error.

Kind regards.
Posted Sun, 18 Feb 2018 19:11:43 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
This kind of error message generally suggests that there's some kind of formatting error in the text file: can you see anything wrong on line 4 ?
For instance, t4 < t3; or comma vs. dot; ...

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