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Posted Fri, 16 Feb 2018 08:35:33 GMT by andreap
Good morning,

I'm trying to model an aerobic digestion test and I would like to know how to change the classical structure of the ASM1temp adding two new processes: hydrolysis of endogenous decay products and inert inflow matter. I hypothesized a first order kinetics for both with the same kinetic constant, ki.
Could someone help me by explaining all the steps necessary to add a new process correctly? Thank you in advance.

Andrea P.
Posted Sun, 18 Feb 2018 19:19:58 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
Pre-requisite for carrying out this task is to have a WESTforOPTIMIZATION license that gives access to the WEST Model Editor.

I would suggest you work on a copy of the base Instance / Category ASM1Temp, as explained in the following video:
You will need to add the 2 new processes to the ConversionModel; perhaps new components too?
Parameters (such as your kinetic constant) and state variables are to be defined in the respective pages (grids) of the ConversionModel Editor.
Posted Mon, 19 Feb 2018 08:55:59 GMT by andreap
First of all thank you for your answer.
I watched the video "Add a new component" that you reffered to in "Non-ideal mixing: tracer test" video.
I followed all the steps you made to create a copy of the base Instance / Category ASM1Temp but at last, when you check if there are not mistakes by clicking on the button "Chek Instance", the system gives me an error.
In the Logging it's written: "Errors detected while processing the Model Library", while in the error list description appears: "System error: Undefined type name found : MultiSensor".
What does it means? Where did i go wrong?
I attached the screenshot of the error. Thank you.

Andrea P.

Posted Mon, 19 Feb 2018 13:54:51 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
Hello Andrea,
I realised that the DHI WEST channel on YouTube is no longer available: as a result, one may not have a clear view over the available videos.
There are only a few, but the following should cover your needs:
[li]Create a new Category: [/li]
[li]Add a New Component: [/li]
[li]Work on the Conversion Model (Gujer Matrix): [/li]

The error message that you report is due to the MultiSensor class (model) being available only for the original Instances (not for the new Instance you have just created).
This is easy to verify, if you perform a textual search in the library (Code / Find / "MultiSensor" / Entire Model Library): you will find what is called an "ifdef statement" that explicitly lists individual Instances - yours cannot possibly be included.

This [b]can be fixed[/b] by either adding your new Instance to the list; or by replacing the entire statement by the more generic [code]#ifdef StandardCategoryModels[/code]

However, I recommend you install the [b]Service Pack 2 of WEST 2016[/b], at least - where this and other such issues you are bound to encounter soon have been solved.

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