Posted Mon, 02 Mar 2015 12:32:15 GMT by Jérémie Roques International Volunteer; Hydrological mapping and model implementation
Hello everyone;

I have an issue related to boundary I Mike 21
• Upstream boundary is file type 0 : Inflow
• Downstream boundary is file type 0 : water level (tide)

Model area is around 1000 km2. The model (inland) is surrounded by land value
Boundaries are represented by one point each within the land value belt. They are automatically detected by the software.
The river network is clearly defined (dug) within the bathymetry.

Problem is that boundaries does not have effect and are not considered within the (incomplete) result file (only the initial surface elevation does).

I tried different FAB type; no differences.

Does somebody have an idea of the origin of my problem?
Thanks by advance.

Posted Mon, 02 Mar 2015 13:04:30 GMT by Mathieu Hellegouarch

this is probably a claccic issue with the classical (rectangular) grid version of MIKE 21: all boundaries must always be wet during the simulation, otherwise boundary conditions aren't applied.

So the issue is most likely that your initial condition is such that the boundary cells are initially dry / inactive, and the result is that the water won't flow from the upstream boundary. The solution is simply to edit the initial condition, and make sure that the boundary cells are initially wet.

Best regards,
Posted Tue, 03 Mar 2015 16:19:24 GMT by Jérémie Roques International Volunteer; Hydrological mapping and model implementation

Thanks for this answer. Problem solved !


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