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Posted Wed, 15 Oct 2014 01:40:50 GMT by Aileen G
Dear MIKE Forum,

I am having issues modelling culverts into my MIKE 21 simulation.

I have inputted a culvert through a railway embankment, however the results do not show the water flowing through the culvert, instead the water continues to build up behind the rail embankment, thus the rail embankment still acting as levee.

I have inputted the location so that the cross section is spread over two cells, the culvert is circular and I have chosen a closed  section type.

Has someone come across this problem before.

Posted Thu, 23 Oct 2014 11:45:13 GMT by
Hi Aileen,

From the picture you attached it looks like your culvert isn't in "contact" with the area where flooding occurs. It looks like the water cannot reach the culvert and thus no transport through it takes place.

Have you double checked that your bathymetry is lower than the culvert where you have specified it's location (so that the culvert isn't "under ground"), and also that the water can reach this location?

Culvert specification is also described quite well in the release notes (standard location; C:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2014\MIKE Zero\Manuals\MIKE_21\FlowModel\HD\M21HD.pdf)

Best regards,

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