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Posted Thu, 31 Oct 2013 03:40:05 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hello there,

This is my first time using MIKE21 and I'm using it to model flooding in a section of the Fraser River (BC). I haven't ran into any problems yet until the very last step: defining the output file. I get the error of wrong dimension of output file and spent several hours trying to figure out why this is happening. I'll do my best to explain what I've done up until now.

I obtained a .gdb surface model and extracted the xyz coordinates on a 10mx10m using ArcGIS. Using this data I defined the bathymetry on a 35mx35m grid with 194 grid cells in the X-direction and 419 grid cells in the Y-direction. Any cells in the bathymetry data that had no elevation data were filled with "land values". After modifying the bathymetry to my satisfaction I saved the file and began a .m21 file to begin defining the simulation parameters.

Everything went well until I got to the last tab "Results" where I defined a type 2 output file. The program automatically detected the size of my generated grid (194 cells by 419 cells) and number of time steps (72). For some reason I get the error of wrong dimension of output file. I've tried changing the range of the cells for the output but nothing seems to work. I still get the same error for a type 1 output file (line series).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Posted Thu, 31 Oct 2013 12:16:43 GMT by Torben Strange Jensen

To solve this problem for a dfs1 (line-type) result-file in MIKE 21, it is required that you define the 'output area' to reflect that you are requesting a line output to be produced.
It is also important to notice that the line output option from a simulation produces either a horisontal line or a vertical  line compared to the model-grid.
Therefore, in the sub-area for output you must define identical 'First Point' and 'Last Point' values in either 'J direction' or 'K direction' to overcome the [i]"wrong dimension of output file"[/i] problem.

If you wish to extract output from a line crossing the grid (different start and end point coordinates) you must use the MIKE Zero toolbox (using the 'Extraction' -> 'Profileseries from 2D files' feature) to post-process a result-file after the simulation has completed.

Posted Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:06:38 GMT by Steven Douglas
Hi Torben,

With regards to the type 1 (line-type) output, I have tried what you suggested (i.e., in my 194x419 grid cell domain, for a type 1 I would specify a sub area of J-Direction: 94, 94, 1, and K-Direction: 0, 419, 1, for example).

The only reason I was trying a type 1 was to see if I could get it to work. I really need a type 2 output for the results that I would like. I've attached a screenshot of my setup.

Posted Thu, 31 Oct 2013 14:12:26 GMT by Steven Douglas
I seem to have found the solution. I thought by not specifying an output file name there was a default file that the results would be written to like it says. But when I defined my own directory for the output it looks like it will run.

Thank you


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