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Posted Wed, 05 Apr 2017 20:35:13 GMT by Eswar Rajasekaran
Hi All,

I am trying to build a MIKE11 network. I am facing a problem while digitizing the canal network.

I have a canal network with three network branches (main, branch1 and branch2). Both branch1 and branch2 originate from the same point of the main canal and flow away. Now the problem is, I cannot connect the main with both branch 1 and branch2 (using the connect branch tool) at the same time. When I connect main with branch2, the connection already created between main and branch1 automatically disappears. The same happens when I connect branch2 first and then connect branch1.

Please find a schematic of my network in the attachment.

In essence, I am possible only to connect main with either branch1 or branch2 and not both. How to connect main with both branch1 and branch2?

Posted Sun, 09 Apr 2017 08:10:26 GMT by Aurelian
Hi Eswar,

I think that what are you trying to do is quite unusual. Why not considering Branch2 as Main channel ? Think about the junction of two streams of water. How human culture conceptualizes the stream which is downstream that junction ? Is that a completely new river with a new name or is it considered as the continuation of one of the streams upstream that point?

From a technical point of view, a Mike 11 branch can end up with an open boundary condition or with a connection to another branch, even if it's a regular branch or a link channel. If you try to connect the ending point of a branch with two new branches, Mike will become confused which one to choose to connect with, since it can't split the water in two in this way.

The solution is two consider either Branch1 or Branch2 as the normal continuation of the Main channel (use connection tool for that) and the second branch can be connected via a Link Channel. This connection can be done just a few tens of meters upstream the end point of the Main channel (see the files attached*).

The "Diversions" option is available to do in the manner you tried only for routing channels, not on branches where the fully dynamic equations are applied (and I assume this is your case). For more information about this option, please consult the Help documentation (Mike 11-> River Network Editor -> Tabular View: Routing -> Diversions)

*After download the attachments, change the extension of Net1.txt to Net1.nwk11 in order to view the setup.


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