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Posted Mon, 21 Apr 2014 07:01:15 GMT by Thanh Dang
Hi all,
I have a control structure which control by the concentration at the upstream. The gate will be closed at a certain level of concentration. The model worked well with MIKE 11  version 2014. But when I setup the same model with MIKE 11 version 2009 the control structure by concentration did not work as in MIKE 11 v2014.
Anyone have any ideals and thank you for helps!
Posted Fri, 09 May 2014 10:15:19 GMT by Torben Strange Jensen

Improvements and corrections are continuously being added to MIKE 11 and the control structure feature using concentrations has been improved between the Releases 2009 and 2014. Though it is unfortunate that this feature is apparantly not working to your satisfaction in Release 2009, there is unfortunately nothing we can do at this point in time to improve this previous release.
I will simply suggest you to proceed with the Release 2014 which works to your satisfaction.


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