Posted Mon, 22 Aug 2016 12:26:34 GMT by alemwub12
I run MIKE 11 but "Error No 385 : Failed to open time series for  boundary no: 2 named:
                 Exception: File error.File does not exist or is not a valid dfs file that complies with the constraints set."
How to solve it?
Posted Mon, 29 Aug 2016 08:19:35 GMT by alemwub12
can you support this "Error No 393 : Boundary specified for location ( : 0.000 meter) that doesn't exist." warning message?
Posted Tue, 20 Sep 2016 10:45:03 GMT by Mathieu Hellegouarch

Regarding error 385: you can easily check if the file is not found by clicking the "View" button for the time series, in the boundary conditions file. If the file is not found, you'll get an error, and you can simply re-select the file. If it's found, the problem may be due to the constraints, as indicated in the message. These constraints are shown in the window which shows up when you click on the '...' button to select the file: there is a 'Constraints' tab showing what may be wrong with that (typically that you're editing a boundary condition, but that the selected file doesn't contain any discharge item).

For the error 393: this usually indicates that the specified location of boundary condition (branch name + chainage) doesn't correspond to a boundary for this branch. You need to check that you correctly wrote the branch name in the bnd11 file, and then check in the nwk11 file what are the boundaries' chainages.

Best regards,

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