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Posted Wed, 12 Mar 2014 09:27:30 GMT by Robert Eriksson
I was wondering if it is possible to label the imperviousness of a catchment?
Why can´t i choose it in the label field?
Posted Thu, 13 Mar 2014 13:17:17 GMT by Fredrik Gedda

The imperviousness is stored in another table.
I use the Time-Area(A) method and in my case I find it in the table msm_HModA and in the field ImpArea.

My suggestion is to join the catchment layer to the table msm_HModA so that you get the field ImpArea in the catchment table.
1. Switch to “Layout and Advanced GIS”
2. Add the table msm_HModA  to the TOC
3. Right click on your catchment layer in the TOC and choose Join.
4. Use the catchment names to base join on, i.e. MUID  in the catchment table and CatcID in the msm_HModA table.
Lable the layer as usual.

Posted Thu, 20 Mar 2014 11:21:24 GMT by Robert Eriksson
Thanks for the reply!
Works percect!

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