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Posted Wed, 05 Feb 2014 22:15:40 GMT by acscott
Hi all,

I'm running a Mike URBAN/Mouse model of a stormwater network. I'm receiving the warning 719: "The fullrunning velocity 5.69 m/s is too high to meet the velocity criteria for the link '333'. This can be accomplished by setting the timestep to 0"  for several links.

I cannot find reference to 'fullrunning velocity'  or 'velocity criteria' in the manual- any guidance on the cause of this error or what it's trying to tell me?

Posted Thu, 06 Feb 2014 08:28:51 GMT by Maria Roldin

I assume the warning refers to this (section 4.2, "Computational Grid" in MOUSE Pipe Flow Reference Manual):

"On the basis of the input data and the specified time step the model automatically
generates a complete computational grid, based on the velocity
condition (see section 4.5 Stability Criteria (p. 75)). The velocity used in
the calculation is a full-flow velocity, obtained from the Manning formulation
assuming completely filled conduit.
If the velocity condition can not be satisfied for the specified simulation
time step, which often happens with short and steep pipes, then the model
issues a warning, with proposal for a shorter time step, required for the
condition to be satisfied."

You should be able to run your model anyway if you use a small time step, but it might become unstable at high flow rates.


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