Posted Wed, 02 Jan 2013 10:52:04 GMT by Flemming Christensen Fagleder for Rambøll Hydraulikgruppe
It should be possible to include a Well file as (*.wel) in a rev plot in MIKE SHE. For now I have to convert the well file to a shape file to do this.

Posted Tue, 05 Feb 2013 11:56:52 GMT by Torben Strange Jensen

The possibility of including the Well file directly in a Rev- plot is currently not possible as the Result Viewer does not recognize the *.Wel files in the current release.
It will be investigated if it is possible to have the Wel-files included in the Result Viewer in a later release.

In addition - thank you for providing the work around for this request:
Namely converting the well-file into a shape-file in order to allow it to be included in the Result Viewer plot.


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