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Posted Wed, 12 Apr 2017 13:02:31 GMT by Vitor Silva
I recently started using Mike Hydro River, and I'm still tryng to figure how the software works. On the tutorial in chapter 3, it says to create a boundary condition via the boundary ribbon on the map view. Where is this boundary ribbon? I don't find it anywhere.
Posted Thu, 27 Apr 2017 09:54:39 GMT by Aurelian
Dear Vitor Pessoa,

I don't know why the "Boundaries" menu is not present or available for your setup. It may be caused by your configuration. What modules have you checked ?

I recommend you to make the next test. You can open the example located at "...\Examples\MIKE_HYDRO\River\Demo\Cali.mhydro" and see if the menu named "Boundaries" is there. If you can find it on the menu bar it means that the problem is in your configuration. You can search for similarities and differences between your model setup and the one from examples. This could help you to find a solution.

Please find enclosed an image of a Mike Hydro setup which contains the menu mentioned above.

Best regards,
Posted Tue, 09 May 2017 07:23:42 GMT by Mathieu Hellegouarch
Hi Vitor Pessoa,

You are most likely working with the version 2014 of the software, which was the very first version of MIKE HYDRO River, and which was not able to edit boundaries from the map. You can check the installed version from the menu Help \ About MIKE Zero...

If you instead use the 2016 or the 2017 version, then you can see the "Boundaries" ribbon as soon as you create a new MIKE HYDRO file.

Best regards,

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