You can contact Norwegian customer service by calling +1-888-738-0812 or +44-800-051-6735  for flight bookings and general inquiries. You can also contact +44-800-051-6735 Norwegian for help with car bookings, hotel bookings, and more. To contact Norwegian customer service, you can reach out through several channels. Visit their official website [Or] calling +1-888-738-0812 their Customer SErvice . navigate to the "Help and Contact" section. Here, you’ll find options to chat with a virtual assistant, email customer support, or access their FAQ for quick solutions calling +1-888-738-081  For immediate assistance, Norwegian offers a customer service hotline available in multiple countries, with numbers listed on their website. Additionally, you can connect with them via their social media platforms, such as Facebook or Twitter. Ensure you have  +1-888-738-081 your booking reference or account details ready for a faster response.