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Posted Wed, 30 Jun 2010 09:19:37 GMT by manu-al
Hi you model-folks, I love this forum :)

I have a simple question I think, but cannot get an result for my own: i did differences for two different time stages, everything went fine... but how can I get this distribution into the preprocessor as a reference? in the reference section I cannot import a shape-file, but I can interpolate from feflow triplets, which takes severals minutes...

isn`t there a better way to get results from the postpro simply in the preprocessor without interpolating nodes etc.?

I also need this distribution (differences) in the feflow explorer, so a reference distribution would be the best, wouldn`t it?

model on :)

Posted Thu, 01 Jul 2010 06:02:39 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala

there's no direct way for this, but if as an interpolation method you choose Inverse Distance Weighting with only  one neighbor, the procedure should be reasonably fast.

Posted Thu, 01 Jul 2010 07:59:49 GMT by manu-al
Dear Peter,

thanks a lot, I`ll try it this way....  :)

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