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Posted Mon, 11 Nov 2013 15:18:37 GMT by Juan Medina
My model consists of a Cauchy boundary condition with a duration of about 800 days. I need to get a table with the result obtained for each day / step, but in the export options i can export only one outcome data. Is there any way to get  the complete result for each day / step in a table or similar (shape, etc)?

Posted Mon, 11 Nov 2013 18:25:11 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
In FEFLOW 6.1, the Period Budget allows the export of all budget components for all time steps. Check the Export checkbox before calculating the period budget (having opened a FEFLOW results file / *.dac). The exported values are written into a *.txt file that you can easily import to Excel, for example.
Posted Tue, 12 Nov 2013 16:33:55 GMT by Juan Medina
Ok. I will follow your instructions.

thank you very much Peter


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