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Posted Fri, 01 Jun 2007 13:40:53 GMT by BernhardBecker
Hello everyone!

I am trying to run feflow in batch mode on a linux cluster. I don't want to stay logged on, so I want  to use the nohup command after moving feflow to the background. Logging out causes an error due to the x-server connection to the remote computer is broken, this terminates the simulation run.

Is there a way to run feflow without any x-connection in order to use the nohup command?

By the way: What does "iconic state" mean?

Thanks for any help

Posted Fri, 05 Sep 2008 01:04:46 GMT by David Green

I have a similar issue when trying to run FEFlow on a Windows based cluster.

A workaround is to pick a compute node, manually launch multiple Exceed X11services (i.e. as different displays) via RDP to that compute node and to get each FEFlow instance to use a different display.

For example, on the compute node first initiate exceed and specify the display number
...\exceed.exe -d 11
then launch feflow on that node in a batch job that must end up on that same compute node.
...\feflow.exe -run -display localhost:11 -work %SCRATCH% -dac test.dac -exit test.fem -hide

It is not quite a batch mode available for FEFlow but it works on a cluster that is not too busy.


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