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Posted Tue, 06 Mar 2007 08:48:10 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
hi again,
[color=purple]i had a problem with summing the rain recharge to my model.[/color]
i followed the instructions of previous forum:
i.e.: mesh centers recive recharge, IDW interpolation 1 neighbour. 
afterwards, mesh inspector show "0 in/out flow on top" to elements outside the recharge zone. so far, all good.
however, [color=purple]when i run the model i get recharge to elements which found next to a recharge zone (touch other elements whithin the recharge zone)!!!
i'm using "budget analyzer" - "elements" - no snap.[/color]

is it my error? some consideration of the FEFLOW? maybe software errors?

Posted Tue, 06 Mar 2007 09:19:58 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
Without looking into it in detail, I'd assume that the budgeting for an element gives some kind of a sum of the budgets at the nodes of the element. As the elemental source/sink or in/outflow on top/bottom is practically mapped to the nodes, it might show up in neighboring elements. I'm not sure whether that's the reason - maybe you can check...

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