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Posted Thu, 19 Jul 2012 20:45:11 GMT by scubohuntr

I am trying to generate mesh for a large (~25 000 square km) regional flow model. I have imported all my polygons, lines, and points from GIS and gotten the supermesh beaten into submission. I am trying to use Triangle with an initial guess of 150 000 elements, q-switch=20, i-switch=Divide and Conquer, Y-switch= Allow at all mesh segments, refinement gradations about medium. I get an inscrutable error message: "Error: Segmentation fault during TRIANGLE mesh generation!" Nothing about where this fault may be or how to go about addressing the problem. Gridbuilder just crashes, and Advancing Front makes unacceptable meshes due to not considering points and lines. Anyone have any insights?
Posted Fri, 20 Jul 2012 21:51:00 GMT by
It is possible that your supermesh is too complex.  Replacing line and point addins with super elements and controlling refinement works better with large complex models

Posted Tue, 31 Jul 2012 20:27:52 GMT by scubohuntr
Thanks Pete!

I got it to work, after rather severely oversimplifying my supermesh. It won't work with line features of any kind, but as long as I use the lines to split polygons I still get the same general effect. I do wish there was a way to reset the segmentation fault flag without completely exiting the program and restarting everything, though.

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