Posted Mon, 09 Nov 2009 15:48:36 GMT by Martin Blouin Research Associate
We created a geological model in Gocad to which we assigned permeability properties.

We would like to import the property grid in a Feflow 5.4 ground water flow model.

Since we have multiple simulated K grid and a 50m depth model, assigning 2-D permeabilities layer by layer is not convenient and time efficient.

Is it possible to modify the ASCII .fem to include any properties? Or is ther any apps to do so?

Posted Tue, 10 Nov 2009 12:43:03 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Dear Mablou
have you assigned the permeability to a Surface (triangulated mesh) or to a 2D-Grid (quadrangular mesh)?
In any case you have to keep in mind that this mesh is certainly different o the one which FEFLOW uses/needs.
Therefore you have to interpolate the original values one more time to the FEFLOW elements and can not simply use the array in the FEM file.
Actually the layer based re-import might seem to be an unsatisfying approach. However, after all I would expect that the effort is not too big and the result might be better than by any other (e.g. 3D) approach.

Kind regards

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