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Posted Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:10:28 GMT by garth
I'm attempting to create a simple numerical experiment in FeFlow 6.0. It's a simple boxed domain, with a square boundary of 26km x 26km with a river half way (going from east to west) and a pumping bore located near it. I'm having issues with creating the mesh. With Grid Generator I can generate 100,000 points easily. The issue comes when I try to add the river to the problem. When I refine the mesh to add the river, an error message of gb65.exe shutting down comes up, and the mesh fails to be produced.

Any help or advice would be really useful as I am new to FeFlow and I'm using it for my thesis.
Posted Thu, 25 Nov 2010 13:12:54 GMT by garth
Oh i have downloaded the lastest patch for FeFlow
Posted Fri, 26 Nov 2010 00:30:46 GMT by garth
I figured it out on my own. For people with a similar problem, avoid using Grid Builder because it has a few too many problems and use triangle builder instead ( or follow the instructions in the help section of FeFlow. Then make sure that the refinement is proportional to your boundaries (before I was trying to refine a 0.2m grid for a 26km boundary) when using triangular builder. Hope that helps people who are struggling to learn FeFlow by themselves.
Posted Tue, 28 Dec 2010 10:51:33 GMT by Bahaaeldin Elwali
Thnx a lot Garth, I'm one of those FEFLOW self-learning strugglers :)  .. Well conversely, I found it really difficult to use Triangle Builder even after downloading the Triangle Mesh zip file from ( and STRICTLY followed the instructions in the help section of FeFlow !!! So I just skipped to Grid Builder and guess what? it works.
In fact I'm facing a small problem (I guess :D) but still obstructs the flow of my work. The problem is that I can't use the 3D option in the Feflow 5.3 menu to construct my 3D Feflow model .. I mean the button is NOT activated @ ALL ! Do you or anybody elso have an idea how to settle this issue ?

Thanx in advance
Posted Wed, 29 Dec 2010 15:09:33 GMT by Bahaaeldin Elwali
Well.. got it by my own  ;)  .. Ok all you have to do is download the latest patch and that's it (so far :D)

Happy modelling !
Posted Wed, 05 Jan 2011 13:37:49 GMT by garth
Sorry for replying so late! Just came back from holidays. Glad you found it out on your own, I'm currently using verson 6 so I don't think I would be much help!

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