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Posted Wed, 07 Mar 2012 14:42:28 GMT by clark
    I get confused about the transfer boundary, hope that someone may help me, my questions as follows:

    1. when we set the transfer boundary in 3D model, need we set the reference head at the first slice and second slice?

    2. how can we get/calculate the value of the transfer rate(in/out included)?
Posted Fri, 09 Mar 2012 01:30:44 GMT by
It depends on the type of element (triangular prisms, cubes, etc) and which way the flow goes to or from the boundary.  Assuming triangular prisms, three nodes are needed to simulate flow through the top or bottom of the element, and you set the stage at all three nodes (each stage can be different). For the same type of element but lateral flow across one of its vertical faces, you must set the stage at four nodes, two at its top and two at its bottom.  Also note that you must also set the transfer rate at all the elements that share each 3rd type node (the default for all elements is zero).  The value of rate depends on the hydrogeology.


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