I am currently testing the software Leapfrog to generate geological models and have a question concerning the usage of Leapfrog models for FEFLOW.
I am aware that Leapfrog has got the hydrogeology add-on which can generate .fem files. But for this case I want to import a Leapfrog mesh file (*.lfm).
Can you please tell me a workflow or hints what I might be doing wrong?
So in the first step I generate a .lfm file in Leapfrog. The model is rather large but it works absolutely fine in Leapfrog.
Then I import the .lfm file in FEFLOW. The import takes more than one hour but as soon as the import is finished I can view the 3D model in FEFLOW without any problems. So let's assume I don't want to include anything else (like wells etc.)...what is the best way to generate a mesh for FEFLOW? Are there any settings which I should change in the "TetGen Meshing" tool? Approximate number of elements? Each homogeneous consists of a individual geological volume in Leapfrog. Do I have to change anything to preserve this information in FEFLOW? And why do I generate a new mesh anyway since I already created one in Leapfrog?
Or is your suggestion to generate a .fem file with Leapfrog instead of a .lfm file?
Any advice is highly appreciated.