Posted Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:48:51 GMT by Nyidier Maloun i have no company
Hello everyone,

i have a very big elevation data and whenever i try to link the parameter to the elevation the software stop responding unless i shut down the laptop and open.

i was wondering if there's away i could reduce this data for FeFlow to be able to process it much faster.

thank you.
Posted Wed, 04 Aug 2021 20:07:14 GMT by Igor Pavlovskii Dalhousie University Post-Doctoral Fellow
Are you importing raster directly into FeFlow?
It is generally much more effective to sample elevations at points locations externally
See [b]Reply # 2[/b] at [i][/i]
Posted Thu, 05 Aug 2021 12:18:25 GMT by Nyidier Maloun i have no company
Am importing a .txt file with X,Y and Z coordinates

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