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Posted Wed, 21 Sep 2011 20:23:10 GMT by
In both standard and classic, I cannot see the pressure or saturation diagrams while viewing a dac file.  In the drop-down menu used to switch these on and off (standard gui), these diagrams may be indicated as active but they are nowhere to be seen, even after removing as many windows, panels, etc as possible.  Switch off and back on is no help, neither is a reboot.  But it only occurs on one machine...perhaps the graphics driver?  No, I updated today and still have invisible diagrams. Perhaps it is a setting in a file somewhere?
Posted Wed, 28 Sep 2011 07:13:13 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hi Pete,
have you changed screen resolution before this occurred? In some cases then the diagrams might still be shown at a location outside the current screen. I recommend to move around the FEFLOW window from one screen corner to the others to see whether the diagram windows can be moved into the screen by this. If this doesn't help either, you can use 'Reset Toolbar and Dock-Window Layout' in the View menu - after restarting FEFLOW all panels and diagrams will show up in their original location.

I hope this will help!
Posted Fri, 30 Sep 2011 15:24:55 GMT by
Thanks Peter, moving the feflow window is the one thing I didn't try! :o

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