
I'm having problems with the mesh generator. After adding in points from a .pnt file and manually attemping to move/delete one point, the Gridbuilder mesh generator no longer finds a solution and gives me the following message:

"A node with incidence zero arose" or sometimes "Node outside outer boundary, area    1"

There are no visible nodes outside the area, and I am pretty certain that this is not really the case, but perhaps a bug? The TMesh generator also fails to converge.

The strange thing about this problem is that it appears to corrupt all version of the supermesh that I was working on. I can load older versions of the file that I know for sure worked before, but I now get the same message. The only way I can get the mesh builder to converge is to delete all line add-ins, but that is the absolute last resort as the mesh design is quite intricate...and adding in lines from the map does not yield the element geometries that I require.

Any ideas?
