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Posted Mon, 26 Sep 2011 12:33:20 GMT by Terry CORDONNIER engineer
Hi every body,

I am in front of many problems to run my steady flow model.
First i worked in transient flow, to get good hydraulics head.
Now i export hydraulics values, put in my new model as initial hydraulics values and.... i want to run it in "steady flow" !!!!!
But, Nothing is running.
Many errors messages like:

"WARNING: PCG results in 1000 steps only a relative accuracy with an error 2.252734e+08
WARNING: Value of beta: 3.021129e+02 indicates an instable preconditioning!!"[/i][/b]

In Problems settings i change:
[li]Numerical parameters[/li][/list]
[li]Free and movable for the first slice[/li][/list]

But nothing more....

Do you have any idea??


Posted Mon, 26 Sep 2011 12:52:27 GMT by dvb
Your model seems to face very unstable conditions, which may be due to many different reasons. A proper way of resolving those issues is to locate them by placing several control points (piezometers), and check if they are stable, and also to check your water balance who should be closed to be null.
Before that, be sure that your initial heads are correct (no bullets, no extreme floodings and dewatering, steep gradients, etc etc etc).

Also to start your model in steady state, you don't have to export and reimport your heads. Just save your transient run under a new name and switch, in the problem class, to steady state instead of transient. A window will be prompted asking you from which time should the model take the conditions as steady.

Good luck !
Posted Tue, 27 Sep 2011 06:14:05 GMT by Terry CORDONNIER engineer
I switch my model into steady state after saving it with a new name but nothing is working. Window doesn't appears to ask me when the model take the conditions as steady.
I try to start simulation but the run do not start:
[b]WARNING: No convergence in iteration loop at time: 1.000000e-03 with remaining error: 3.964268e-02 greater than  1.000000e-03[/b]

I'm really disappointed.....!

I'm asking a question. You are often on the forum, and yours answers were very interesting for me !! I would like to know if you're interested to help me for building a good first model. It is very difficult to do it alone for the first time as you know..
I'am working at "l'Office de l'Eau Réunion" and it may be possible to have arrangement.
I really understand if you are not interested..
Thank you

Posted Tue, 27 Sep 2011 07:30:38 GMT by dvb
With pleasure :) je t'envoie un MP

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