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Posted Thu, 13 Mar 2008 15:26:20 GMT by Hector Montenegro Feflow-Anwender
Dear group,

I have identified  steep elements as a possible source of instabilities during an 3D unsaturated calculation.
Having around 25 000 elements I wonder if there is a tool to inspect the mesh topology. I need to have a kind of coincidence matrix with the relation between element and node's elevation.
The table should have the the following structure:

element nr. | node1 | node2 | node3 x1| y1 |z1 |x2 |y2 |z2 |x3 |y3 |z3

Then I could check where those elements lie spanning extreme elevation differences.
Is there some tool how to obtain such a structure from fem-data?



Posted Wed, 09 Jul 2008 07:14:55 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
The best option to export such a file would be a little programming for the programming interface IFM. The code would look (roughly and untested, and without file i/o) like this:
for (int i=0;i<IfmGetNumberOfElements(pDoc);i++){
    for(int j=0;i<IfmGetNumberOfNodesPerElement(pDoc);i++){
        int node = IfmGetNode(pDoc, i, j);
        double x=IfmGetX(pDoc, node);
        double y=IfmGetY(pDoc, node);
        double z=IfmGetZ(pDoc, node);

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