I'm working with FEFLOW 5.4 for my masterthesis and I want to calculate zoned earth dams with a constant Head on the upside of the dam and a free seepage face on the downside (unsaturated condition, steady, flow only). I don't have any problems to simulate homogenious dams.
When I want to simulate a zoned earth dam, I'm not able to reach a convergence. The error is always bigger than something like 6.7E-2.
When I then start a Re-Run, the results are not the same. Anytime I do a Re-Run the program calculates a different result. I've already tried to enrich the mesh but there's no change of the program-behavior.
Then I found the SAMG solver package in the manuals, which should reach a convergence for problems where the PCG-solver has difficulties. But when I do the simulation, FEFLOW calculates just nonsense. There's a constant hydraulic head on the whole dam and absolutely no water flux.
Then I found the example in the FEFLOW folders "dam6.fem". But when I start the calculations there are the same problems:
a) The program isn't able to reach a convergence for a error tolerance 1E-3 (which is the default value)
b) Every Re-Run calculates different results.
I don't think that this is normal. What am I doing wrong? Or is there just something that I don't understand?