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Posted Wed, 19 Jul 2006 14:50:13 GMT by Michael

I'm building a 3D model for water budget analysis. Now, I'm running in steady state in order to calibrate the model. After I wish to run it in transient  mode in order to simulate groundwater pumping effect. So, when I run the model with pumping well, I obviously observed a modification in mass balance, particularly for input comming from Head (1st Kind) Boundary situated in the border of the model.

Someone can explain how to constraint Head Boundary to a maximum influx. I'm planing to run the model in steady state and to check input and output from each border condition. After I supposed that I can constraint flux (m3/d) for each border section in order to fixed the maximum input from each border section.  Someone can tell me how to do that and if my planning is good ?

Thanks ,  Michael
Posted Thu, 20 Jul 2006 07:29:55 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
Generally I would try to avoid pumping wells near head bcs. However, in some specific cases limiting the flux can be useful.

You can use a flux constraint (max flux) at the 1st kind bcs. Please see the mass transport part of the Demonstration Exercise, the User's Manual or the FEFLOW Online Help for basic information about how to set constraint conditions. To transfer the values from the budget analyzer to the constraint conditions, export the nodal fluxes from the budget analyzer. Import the fluxes using 'Assign' - 'Database' - Inverse Distance Weighting with 1 neighbor.
Posted Thu, 20 Jul 2006 20:39:14 GMT by Michael

It works properly.


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