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Posted Wed, 18 Nov 2009 06:41:37 GMT by Hugo Janse van Rensburg Dr.
Anybody can offer help?

I have run a model to 20340 days (678 time steps of 30 days length)
When loading the dac file it only loads to 8970 days (299 time steps)
While loading it also rescan timesteps which takes very long - normally it is very quick in loading dac files.

With this particular problem I also get a Feflow alert which says:

"Unable to open temporal file *****\mlist_1_a03008.tmp. Invalid path or disk seems to be full. Skip time-dependent material data."
What is strange is that this message does not occur everytime the problem is loaded.
When quitting Feflow and loading again this message dissappear.
Posted Wed, 25 Nov 2009 14:48:24 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Have you checked whether in the import+export directory of the project directory sufficient disc space is available? When applying time-varying material properties, FEFLOW saves time-varying data in temporary files in this directory. This makes reading also slower than for 'normal' dac files.

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