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Posted Mon, 05 Jul 2010 10:14:05 GMT by manu-al
Hey there,

once again a more or less general question:

i have nodes with flow boundaries (1st order), and exactly these nodes should get a transport boundary condition, too... i tryed with join function, but with "mesh" it dont work and also with *shp import or something else feflow tells me, that there are no lines in the file i wanna open....

so, in which format I need to export the flow boundaries in order to import it in transport boundaries?? is this possible at all? i mean i have about 500 nodes which i don`t want to attribute by hand....

thx a lot!! 
Posted Tue, 06 Jul 2010 09:16:53 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
In FEFLOW 5.x: You can use "Assign" - "Database" - "Import time-constant values", "Inverse Distance Weighting" with 1 neighbor only, then click on the BC type and choose "Automatic" with a small distance.
In FEFLOW 6: Load the file as a map and link the corresponding values. Use the "Neighborhood Relationship" interpolation method.

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