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Posted Thu, 28 Jun 2012 22:27:06 GMT by Greg Bryce
I have a large regional variable saturated model that we are developing to evaluate effects of mine de-watering on springs and streams in a mountainous area.  There is about 5000 feet of relief in the model surface and the model ranges from ~1500' to 6000' in depth.  I have 30 layers in the model, and am having problems with stable flow to my transfer boundaries.  For example when I run the model at steady state I show ~9.8 cfs being discharged to the transfer boundaries in one drainage, then when I put the exploration adit into the model (using seepage faces along the decline) the discharge to the transfer boundaries in the same drainage is `10 cfs.  Although I can understand that there is numerical error and precision issues, it seems the model shouldn't be able to create more water when water is taken out of the model.  I am currently testing different closure criteria for both the inner and outer loop, as well as testing L2, L1, and Max error solutions to find and acceptable error/precision.  Does anyone have any other suggestions that I could try to eliminate/reduce this apparent error?

Thank you for your help - Greg
Posted Mon, 02 Jul 2012 08:57:44 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Hi Greg,

Try a quasi-steady approach, running the model transient. This usually works better with unsaturated settings and there are also seepage faces (constraints!) in your model, which should be considered with a transient approach.

Best regards,


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