I am modelling a saturated near-surface four-layer system (flow only). Each of the four geological layers is discretised into at least two layers in FEFLOW. The top slice is set as “free &movable” (all other slices are “fixed”) and is assigned a seepage face boundary condition. The model gets recharge at the surface from rainfall, and the water table is expected to rise to the surface at certain locations. I am also modelling some near-surface drains through the use of head BCs (h = z of base of drains).
I have previously run my model in steady state (unconfined) and not had any convergence issues. I have since reduced the thickness of the top three formations and I am now having some problems with convergence. Note that I am using the default PCG solver.
I have read about some of the convergence issues sent by users of this forum and I have a few questions.
• I could try to refine the mesh, set initial conditions closer to the results (from say a long transient run), and increase the residual water depth for phreatic elements. Then, what else could I try? I do not necessarily want to change the Ks of the formations.
• What does it mean if my model converges in quasi steady-state (long transient) still using the PCG solver? That I have convergence problem? I guess I could use the quasi steady-state final results for the steady-state run (i.e., initial heads closer to the results) and hope for convergence?
• Is it possible that the model’s complexity prevents it from achieving convergence when run in steady-state, and that the only way to successfully run the model would be in long transient mode?
• If my model converges using the SAMG solver, does it mean that the there are no instability issues (which are probably causing the model to refuse to converge using the PCG solver)? Do I simply accept that the SAMG is the more robust solver for a complex problem and move on?
Thank you for helping with the above.