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Posted Sat, 29 Jan 2011 00:15:02 GMT by Martin Stewart
Is it possible in FEFLOW to deactivated nodes/elements as you can in modflow?  I am modelling dewatering of steep mine pit faces that cut flat lying strata and am having trouble staying true to the oblique geometries. Does anyone have any good strategies out there for this type of situation?
Posted Mon, 31 Jan 2011 07:36:49 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
No, it is currently not possible to turn off nodes/elements. For open-pit mining, in practise different strategies are used depending on the case and the focus of the model. These strategies range from free&movable simulations for large regional models to using much less permeable material for the mined out zones and seepage boundary conditions at the pit walls and bottom. For the simulation of the formation of pit lakes also high permeabilities are an option.
Posted Tue, 01 Feb 2011 15:12:40 GMT by Christoph Möbus Dipl.-Geol.
But being able to turn nodes /elements off would be a great enhancement for FEFLOW - I have asked for this quite a long time ago, also - therefore I will start a new topic in the "Wish list"

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