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Posted Tue, 08 Sep 2009 12:18:07 GMT by BJ82

For my Diploma i have to simulate the following problem:
I have one geothermal borhole. The geothermal sonde has a leckage und the fluid goes out and go throug the injection suspension. Can I simulate this problem with a discrete future element ? It is important that the leckage is in the middle of the borhole und the injection suspension is around with its specific datas.

Can I also variety the depth of the leckage in the borehole ?

I use the Version 5.2.

Posted Tue, 29 Sep 2009 14:15:07 GMT by Alexander Renz
That depends on the purpose of the model. If you are only interested in the fate of the refrigerant that is lost through the leakage, I would rather use a simple 4th kind BC to inject this fluid where the leakage is expected, without doing any changes to the remaining model.

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