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Posted Fri, 20 Sep 2013 09:48:49 GMT by suttoni

A basic (yet crucial) question; how can one highlight polylines that have been previously created in the smh file?? I would like to highlight a particular polyline in order to delete it from my supermesh. I have tried using the lasoo tool, zooming in and out of the polyline, selecting snap to polyline... but no luck. The polyline overlies several polygons, it is the polygons that become highlighted each time.

The invert selection tool cannot be used either as their are multiple polylines and polygons in the model.

Many thanks in advance!

Posted Thu, 26 Sep 2013 06:38:14 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
It's indeed sometimes a bit tricky to select a polyline. The easiest option might be to move one node of the polyline to a location outside the polygons and then select the line by clicking on it outside the polygons.

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