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Posted Tue, 21 Dec 2010 16:42:52 GMT by unigoe
I beg your pardon for my dumb question. I've dreadly experienced how several PC configurations in our institute were unable to run FEFLOW properly, then they were completely "out of order" for months, presumably because of GRAPHICS CARD issues (as I was told), and the problem is unresolved as yet. Surely, this is not a problem with FEFLOW but with my own ignorance!
On my private PC with a "Nvidia GeForce 8100 512MB Turbo Cache", FEFLOW 5.3 version seems to run properly (as far as I can tell); it crashes from time to time, but I can live with that.

Now I am about to buy a new PC, for using only FEFLOW versions between 4.8 and 5.3, with WindowsXP 32bit. I would often be running FEFLOW with the option "display results every time step"; will the graphics card influence the SPEED of that?

The PC seller offers to choose between "GeForce G210 1024MB", "ATI HD 5450 1024MB", "GeForce GT220 2048MB".
Would any of these work with FEFLOW 5.x at all?
Would it make a difference which one I take?
Which other graphics card would you recommend for someone for whom money doesn't matter, but for FEFLOW versions 5.x only?

Thank you very much!
Posted Thu, 23 Dec 2010 08:34:40 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
For visualization with FEFLOW versions 5.x the graphics card actually does not have a significant influence on visualization speed and stability. These versions do not use any hardware-accelerated graphics, so any card should do fine. This is different, though, for FEFLOW Explorer and FEFLOW 6. These use OpenGL, and especially FEFLOW 6 widely uses the GPU for graphics processing. Thus for running FEFLOW 6, we recommend to at least use a dedicated graphics card, as drivers on-board graphics chips tend to be more buggy.

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