Hi there,
I am doing simulations to show the development of a hillslope seepage face due to precipitation infiltration. I have started with a very simple 3D domain with 1 layer. The top surface is set to free and movable (unconfined). I am running transient simulations and saturated flow.
I have applied no flow boundaries at all lateral boundaries and at the bottom slice.
I have applied a flux (type 2) boundary for the top slice and then constrained it when the elevation of water table (head) exceeds the ground surface (imported from a database). - to allow water to exit at the seepage face.
I have a few Questions:
1: Confirm that I do not need to actually use the “seepage face” boundary condition for this type of 3D model. The specified flux boundary at the top slice seems like a better approach.
2. Confirm that I do not need to use inflo/outflow on top/bottom in “materials” to specify precipitation recharge.
3. My results look OK, but after running for 10000 days I still have a net loss of water from the system. I assume that if I run for long enough the water budget will be balanced?
4. Can I visualize the streamlines somehow in halt and view results mode? I would like to do this through a vertical slice.
that's all for now, Laurie