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Posted Tue, 21 Nov 2017 01:11:10 GMT by Jarrah Muller Civil Engineer
Is there a way to re-add/fill holes in the mesh where I deleted elements. I don't want to remesh the whole model as then I'll lose boundaries and discrete features etc.
Posted Sun, 26 Nov 2017 15:59:35 GMT by Björn Kaiser
The current implementation allows you to add/fill holes by connecting two meshes via nodes. This workflow works for 2D meshes only and Discrete Features, material properties, boundary conditions are lost. 
Posted Mon, 27 Nov 2017 00:34:07 GMT by Jarrah Muller Civil Engineer
:( my model is 3D so if it works in 2D only then that means I need to go back to a very early version of my model and rebuild much of it.

Ideally, I would have made elements inactive rather than deleting them (as then I could reactivate them), but I didn't get the active/inactive data type until after I'd deleted an element and locked the mesh.

If I currently have a 3D standard saturated transient model with a free surface, is there a way to access the active/inactive elements data type without deleting elements and locking the mesh?
Posted Thu, 30 Nov 2017 18:19:36 GMT by Björn Kaiser
Inactive elements are not available for free & moveable meshes.

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