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Posted Mon, 16 Jul 2012 17:17:21 GMT by Greg Bryce
Hi All,

I am working on a regional mine dewatering model.  There is very little data for the project, therefore we are approaching it as a hypothesis testing project and conducting a coarse sensitivity anlaysis.  I am running multiple hydraulic conductivity scenarios using an IFM to vary the K by depth.  I am running the model in batch mode to speed up the model and have continuous processing as the model takes 30+ hrs to run.  I have the model built and running from the start of the exploration adit to the end of mining, and now want to implement the mining recovery. 

If I use time variant material properties to change the K, porosity, and Ss can I have these just applied during the post-mining (recovery) and continue to use the IFM to set the initial material properties?  Essentially what I am asking can time variant material properties be applied to only a portion of the simulation time?

Thank you - Greg
Posted Fri, 20 Jul 2012 22:04:22 GMT by
time variance can not be switched on and off, but you can apply hat function to hold K and other properties constant over time
Posted Tue, 24 Jul 2012 21:18:27 GMT by Greg Bryce
Thank you Pete,

I ended up stopping the simulation and importing the heads for all the nodes in a new simulation with the material properties changed.  This seems to work.  - Greg

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