Posted Mon, 02 Nov 2009 21:57:20 GMT by Laurie Neilson
I am having trouble understanding why my boundaries that are set to "no-flow" (2nd type) have flux showing in the budget analyzer and fluid flux analyzer.  Should they not have zero flux?

Posted Wed, 04 Nov 2009 10:42:58 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
you do not have to set a no-flow condition in FEFLOW. If no boundary condition is set, FEFLOW assumes no-flow. If you set a flux BC with a value of 0, however, FEFLOW will calculate the budget. Depending on mesh geometry etc. this might lead to fluxes that are not exactly 0, and summing over a huge number of nodes you might see a flux in the budget analyzer. The fluid flux analyzer is based on an integration over the velocity field. Nodal velocities at no-flow boundaries will seldom be exactly 0 depending on discretization, therefore the fluid flux analyzer typically will show some boundary flow even if there is none. You should always prefer the budget analyzer at model boundaries for this reason.

Posted Wed, 04 Nov 2009 17:36:37 GMT by Laurie Neilson
OK, thanks.
That helps! :)

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