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Posted Mon, 06 Dec 2010 08:47:46 GMT by garth
Is there any way to create slices at specific depths for FeFlow 6? The current way that I have figured out is easier explained in an example.

Say you have an aquifer of 19m, and there are 3 layers. There is an abstraction bore with a screen length of 9.1m. In order place the boundary conditions on the well screen of 9.1m, a layer must be inserted into the 2nd and 3rd layer (z =6.333m and z = 12.666m). This can be done by initially creating 3 layers of depth 6.333m each in the 3D layer configuration. Then fix all the layers. Then in the distance box put it 2.767m (6.333 + 2.767). Then add another slice and your layer will be added.

Is there any other easier way to add the layer? Or better is there another way to apply the well boundary condition in between layers?

Thanks in advance
Posted Tue, 07 Dec 2010 15:19:42 GMT by Alexander Renz
If exclusively working with the 3D layer configurator, the way you have described is the designated and also the most effective one. An alternative is to apply elevation data from external files (that would also include the top/bottom elevation of your well) by using regionalization methods.

Well boundary conditions cannot be set between layers. However, there is often no reason to do so (except for local scale models), provided that the well is located in the correct geological unit (aquifer). Significant differences in the computational results of models with different depths of the well bore are typically restricted to the area very close to the well.  Wide-range effects are usually negligible.
Posted Wed, 08 Dec 2010 03:26:07 GMT by garth
Thank you!

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