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Posted Fri, 10 Sep 2010 17:51:19 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala

In the help documentation it says:

-module <IFM_module>
Register IFM_module for this session

How do I specify <IFM_module> and where does FEFLOW look for it - (in Windows)
I assumed  .....WASY\FEFLOW 6.0\module64 but I tried a few more path variants with no success. I also tried file names with and without the .dll extension and in upper and lower case.

The error message is always:

<my_ifm_module> is an invalid IFM module!

The module works in interactive mode and it is a valid "release" module (not "debug").

I also tried -ifmregister on the command-line but this doesn't start the batch job and just returns with no error message.

All the other batch options seem to function as indicated in the help file when the files are in the appropriate places in the directory tree.

FYI - FEFLOW Ifm modules are incredibly powerful and have made it possible for us to model some very complex problems with minimal programming effort. One thing we have discovered is that we need to use IfmInfo sparingly for debugging can be very slow is you try to write out 2 million nodal references ...... ;D

Thanks in advance for any help.
Posted Tue, 14 Sep 2010 12:23:35 GMT by Alexander Renz

FEFLOW looks for the plug-in in the directory from where FEFLOW is started (the directory that is shown in the command shell).
The safe way is to specify the file by an absolute path. The filename must contain the extension (e.g., "C:\Program Files\WASY\FEFLOW 6.0\modules64\myplugin.dll")

best regards,

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