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Posted Fri, 04 Feb 2011 18:16:34 GMT by Tiolas
Im trying to generate mesh from a shapefile transform into a supermesh polygon. It worked fine until 1 time Gridbuilder crashed. Cant make it work again. Triangle cant seems to work either. I tried to re-install but it doesnt work.

Any suggestions?

Etienne Hudon-Gagnon
Posted Fri, 27 May 2011 08:47:53 GMT by Lennart Rohrer
Got the same problem. Everything worked fine - i saved the projekt and by trying to load it, it chrashed. Now I cant build ANY grid. Even the try of a grid formed by freehand anywhere with FeFlow chrashes.

The message is: "Argument domain error in funktion fmod"

Anyone there who has a clue?

Posted Fri, 27 May 2011 09:20:46 GMT by Lennart Rohrer
Figured it out. Reinstall with the newest Version from the web solved the problem till now.

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