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Posted Tue, 17 Apr 2007 14:07:34 GMT by Hector Montenegro Feflow-Anwender
Hi outthere!

I want to check the horizontal and vertical cross sections of the different slices in the 3D-Layer configuration \z-coordinates viewer menue, but no cross sections are drawn. Is there a bug in FF 5.3?


Posted Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:12:47 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
I cannot find a bug there - for me it works.
Posted Wed, 09 May 2007 21:47:19 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala

I have the same problem as Hector on this.

On the left side of the 3-D layer configuator is a slice list for slice with buttons for "status" ("fixed", etc.) and "button" ("view...") for each slice. When I click on "view", a new dialog opens. This dialog has a plan view of the slice and two windows, one to the left and one to the bottom, for displaying the slice configuration cross-section for the position of the cross hairs in the plan view. I do not see the cross-section profiles. Each profile window has a slider bar, but sliding it does not reveal a profile line.

Since first using FEFLOW v.4.8, I have never seen this feature to work.
Posted Fri, 18 May 2007 11:06:30 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
Sorry, I had read Hector's first question too quickly, thinking that he's talking about the cross sections shown with 'Special' for the elevations.

Indeed the cross sections in the 3D layer configurator do not show. It was once intended to add that functionality, but it has never been done. Dwaine, you are right that this feature did never work.

Thanks Dwaine for pointing that out.

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