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Posted Fri, 05 Jul 2013 10:47:34 GMT by Lamm
Hi Users,

In the stratigraphic information of my research area consists of both continuous and uncontinuous aquifers. My questions are:

1) FEFLOW can simulate uncontinuous layers which contains different aquifers?
2) If not, How can I set up uncontinous aquifers in the model?

Thanks in advance,

Posted Fri, 05 Jul 2013 14:25:03 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
At the current stage, all layers in FEFLOW have to be continuous. Thus for pinch-outs, numerical layers have to be different from stratigraphic layers. In the most typical case, numerical layers are continued with a minimum thickness outside the areas where their corrsponding stratigraphic layers exist. Material properties etc. are assigned as spatially varying for the different zones.
Posted Mon, 08 Jul 2013 13:01:38 GMT by Lamm
Hi Peter,
Thanks you very much for your explanation. Could you help me an additional question as follows:

I set up 2D (horizontal) and 3D model. One boundary of my model connects with the Sea. The purpose of my research is to assess the influences of the variation of Sea Water Level (Tidal) on ground water level. Therefore, I suppose that I have to set up 1st type BC for the boundary connecting with the Coastal line by using Time varying water level (Series of Tidal level). Could you please give me your ideas and show me how can I do?

Thank you so much,

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