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Posted Tue, 22 May 2018 10:23:39 GMT by Nora Reichert
Using the Inspector, it is possible to see the individual x,y,z components of the nodal Darcy flux of each selected node.  If I export the Darcy flux data, I only get the information of the overall Darcy flux, not of the flux component in x,y,z direction. I would like to know how to view the individual flux component e.g. only Darcy flux in z-direction and how to export these data.

I am looking forward to your suggestions.

Thank you!
Posted Fri, 25 May 2018 15:14:47 GMT by Björn Kaiser
A plugin exists which allows you to export the different components. Please contact the FEFLOW support.

Alternatively, you can use the following Python script and use it in FEFLOWin a fem-file.

# Assign scalar quantities of vector components to nodal distributions
def postTimeStep(doc):
    for nNode in range(0,nNodes):
        doc.setNodalRefDistrValue(rID_velX, nNode, doc.getResultsXVelocityValue(nNode))
        doc.setNodalRefDistrValue(rID_velY, nNode, doc.getResultsYVelocityValue(nNode))
        doc.setNodalRefDistrValue(rID_velZ, nNode, doc.getResultsZVelocityValue(nNode))

    #print "PostTimeStep at t=" + str(doc.getAbsoluteSimulationTime())


    # Enable reference distribution recording
    bEnable = 1 # disable = 0, enable = 1

    # Create and enable distribution recording
    rID_velX = doc.getNodalRefDistrIdByName("Velocity_X")

    rID_velY = doc.getNodalRefDistrIdByName("Velocity_Y")

    rID_velZ = doc.getNodalRefDistrIdByName("Velocity_Z")

    nNodes = doc.getNumberOfNodes()

except Exception as err:
    print>>sys.stderr,'Error: '+str(err)+'!'


In FEFLOW click on Scripting... and then on Edit Script. Copy + paste the script and start the simulation. Please check the User Data Distributions in the Data panel.

Please note that the code is not carefully tested. Please test it in your model and review the code.

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