Hi Assaf,<br>
Indeed, PETSc may be much more commonly used in Linux OS, but the operation in Windows is also supported (see <a href="https://petsc.org/main/install/windows/">PETSc documentation</a>). You can get a short description of PETSc suite methods being implemented in FEFLOW 7.5 in the <a href="http://www.feflow.info/html/help75/feflow/08_ProblemSettings/equation_system_solver.html">online help</a>. We are planning to extend all this documentation in the near future. In few words, FEFLOW Equation-System Solver page in the GUI includes: (1) PETSc Krylov-subspace solvers (iterative solver in addition to PCG), (2) PETSc library AMG solvers and (3) PETSc library AMG solver with <a href="https://hypre.readthedocs.io/en/latest/solvers-boomeramg.html#">Boomer AMG from Hypre</a>. The latest option supports GPU-accelerated AMG under Linux. GPU implementation is based on CUDA framework, which the support of this is mandatory in the graphic card.<br>
If you would like to test this from the console, feflow75c has new arguments: <strong>-solver</strong> [pardiso|pcg|samg|pksp|pamg] and <strong>-gpu</strong> [yes|no]. <br>
In case there is no possibility to access to Linux instances, FEFLOW GUI (Windows) offers the cloud-deployment with a pre-defined Linux configuration dedicated for GPU acceleration. This is available through the new Cloud Simulation panel in FEFLOW 7.5.<br>
In case of more details are required, we can discuss further through the technical support channel (mike.de@dhigroup.com).<br>